David S. Demarest

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March 12, 2008 – VISA!

March 12th, 2008 · No Comments

In planning for this trip, I have managed to learn much about the ins and outs of international travel.  For instance, what countries require a visa (in my case China, India, Nepal, and Turkey), how in some countries you are able to purchase the visa at your port of entry (Nepal and Turkey), and others require getting the visa before arrival (China and India).

For those countries that require a visa before arrival, there are two ways of accomplishing this task.  One is to visit their respective consulates – and the other is to mail your passport utilizing the services of a company that provides visa services.  Given the lack of Indian or Chinese consulates in the Seattle area, I chose the latter.

Three weeks ago I FedExed my passport, together with the required applications, photos, and funds, to Northwest Visa services.  While many may not appreciate or understand this, I felt like I was parting company with a part of me.  I am sure there are many out there that do understand the feeling.  I have always had a passport, and felt lost knowing it was out of my control.  From time to time, nagging questions went through my head:  “Will it get lost, and assuming that it doesn’t, will the visa applications be approved?”

I am pleased to share that my passport, together with both requested visas, arrived home safely.  Needless to say, I am pleased to have it back and know the visas are approved.  In many ways, it makes my impending trip even more of a reality!

As an aside, I would like to pass on a tip concerning passport safety that I recently learned.  Prior to leaving home, in addition to photocopying the passport and visas so that you have a backup to take with you, it has been suggested I scan the relevant pages and put them somewhere (an email server, for instance), so that if the need were to arrive I could get the copies from anywhere there is internet access.  I think this is a great idea and have already done so!

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